Starting CrossFit


Starting CrossFit

Half the battle is to just get started – wherever you go to exercise. Just get there. Once you’re there you just have to move…and keep moving. Where to start? This is where group classes under the guidance of a good coach come to the forefront.

A little bit of fun helps! Functional movements and a variety of equipment, put together in engaging and challenging ways spur motivation and discipline. CrossFit Chilliwack has athletes whose ages range from their teens to their 70’s with a diversity of experience, size, shape and strengths. All movements can be scaled to suit each person’s ability. A good movement practice coupled with some mobility work leads to improvements in health, fitness, and wellness. Group classes with their feeling of shared effort promote a sense of community and respect.

If you’re looking to improve your diet and nutrition, recognize the power of habit and the challenge in changing many things at once. Just change one thing. First improve one meal, perhaps your breakfast.

Whether it’s diet or exercise, consistent perfect practice builds strength, structure and discipline. Lifting heavy things builds muscle and bone density which are two factors where your effort can have positive effects toward your own longevity.

What are you waiting for? Just get started.